Why I Stopped Blogging Full-time

This weekend my blogger wife Sabrina sends me a text making fun of how outdated my LinkedIn profile was and it’s a good thing she did because it lit a fire under my ass to update my LinkedIn profile with my new career change. It’s been an interesting 6 months to say the least. When I left Salesforce in September I knew I wasn’t ready to leave the lifestyle of a 9 to 5, but I also wanted to blog full-time. It was a very overwhelming period of my life and I’m not even sure I still figured it out.

I was honestly only blogging full-time for 3 months until I started working freelance for an influencer marketing agency. I knew I wanted that taste of “normality” by working at a day job and it would also help with additional income. Blogging full-time from September to November was amazing. I was able to travel without any worry and focus on expanding the Trendy Not Spendy brand.

September started out as a good month for campaigns, October was shit, and November I knocked it out of the park. It was the first time in five years that I wasn’t use to not having financial stability. I wasn’t looking for jobs at all and was dedicated to continuing to blog full-time when this new job fell into my lap.

I was at a blogger pajama party in my bathrobe when I started chatting with a fellow blogger about kind of missing a day job. That may seem a little crazy to some people, but you have to remember I’ve had a 9 to 5 job the past 10 years of my life and it’s all I’ve ever known. My girlfriend then mentioned a social media position at her friends cosmetics company and that I should apply.

The next day she sent an introduction email to her friend and a week later we hopped on a call. I really connected with the woman I spoke with and she sold me on the position. The position would be running the social media and influencer events for their cosmetics company. I thought to myself well I manage the entire social for my own brand and attend several influencer events, why not do this for someone else. I came in two weeks later and after meeting the CEO and Director of Sales I knew this was going to be the perfect fit. That following Friday I was hired as the Social Media Manager for Winky Lux Cosmetics.

Call me crazy, but I really missed a full-time job. I love the flexibility of blogging full-time, but I missed a sense of stability. It’s kind of funny how that works, right? We were raised go to school, get a job, make money, pay the bills, and start a family. It’s all I’ve ever known and for those who are NOT a millennial actually get that. We weren’t presented with this lifestyle, unique job opportunities, and flexibility that millennials have today.

I’ve been at the company only a month and I LOVE it. I absolutely love what the company represents and stands for. Winky Lux is a luxury cosmetics company with affordable prices. Which also fits perfectly in the Trendy Not Spendy brand. The company is 90% female and everyone is a hustler and a total #girlboss. For the first time in my life I feel like the expert in my field and each day I add value. I walk out of meetings confident and passionate about what we just discussed. I find myself trying to find more ways to be creative and innovative.

What I’ve learned from working at a large tech company, to full-time blogging, to full-time in an industry I love is that it’s not about the money. I think we take jobs and stay in jobs for the paycheck. At the end of the day if you do what you love, the money will follow. The harder you hustle the more reward you’ll get. Your time is valuable, so do what you love. For me I’m a Social Media Manager by day and a Fashion Blogger by night. Hustle hard and all will work out.

So, why did I go back to working full-time? It’s simple, I’m working for a company I believe in, in a field I adore, in a position I love. I’m proud to call Winky Lux home. Oh and if you weren’t following us already head over to Instagram and follow @winky_lux. Duh!

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2 thoughts on “Why I Stopped Blogging Full-time

  1. I didn’t know you left Salesforce in September! I left Oracle in August. And I’m the same – I miss the routine of a 9-5. This full time chaos is definitely not for everyone! Such a change in scenery for you with the new company, I love it.


    1. What…no way! That’s crazy. Well for as talented as you are, you deserve to should be traveling the world and sharing it for us all over social.


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